Discover yourself and start achieving what you deserve
اكتشف ذاتك وانطلق : آن الأوان لتكسر كل القيود الفكرية
سعر رمزي للمشاركة 12 دولار فقط
يمكنك أيضا مساعدة غيرك في الإشتراك من خلال خيارات الدفع بأسعار مخفضة
آخر موعد للتسجيل 31-12-2021
المحاضرة ستكون يوم السبت 8-1-2022
Dr Hasan Al-Mozayin is a Public Figure with more than 400,000 follower from all over the world. Dr.Almozaying is a life, career, and executive coach with over than Seventeen years of experience working with private individuals, and corporate clients.
Drawing upon his background in Pharmaceuticals, many years of experience in design and development of training courses, and comprehensive understanding of social and emotional intelligence, Dr Hasan has a unique skill to lead success and improve capabilities through changing patterns of behavior, building strengths, and minimizing weaknesses.
Believing that commitment to self-knowledge is the key to development and growth, Dr Hasan has assisted clients to better know their potentials and capabilities, and motivated them to position it in the right direction to expand their experiences, accelerate their growth, and overcome challenges.
Dr Alomozayin is certified Business Coach by AIPS, and a member of creativity department in UAE union of writers.